The Starlight Chronicles by Lisa Orchard

Lisa Orchard takes us from angsty childhood to sudden adulthood in her three-part series The Starlight Chronicles. In these books, she has achieved just the right amount of no longer a girl, but not quite a woman attitude in this Young Adult / Coming of Age  trilogy.Now available as a box set containing all the titles: Gideon Lee, Lark Singer, and Starlight!

TheStarlightChroniclesBox1400x2100Lark Singer is seventeen years old and already on the way to a brilliant music career. But as she and her band, Starlight, gear up for a competition, life seems to be throwing her a few curve balls. The mysteries of her past seem to be unraveling, and she’s no longer certain she wants to know those answers or how knowing about her past will affect her difficult relationship with her mother. And when her best friend, Bean, changes things between them, all her plans for a musical future are placed in jeopardy. How can she balance her complicated personal life to keep her musical goals on track?

Box set originally released September 30, 2015

Box Set Link:
Gideon Lee:
Lark Singer:

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